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Policy Based Forwarding

I needed to route an FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) down an IPSEC VPN tunnel but couldn’t because it was an external address and the IP is dynamic so I wasn’t able to just make a static route to force it down the IPSEC VPN tunnel. To solve this I discovered something called policy based forwarding.

In this post, I will explain the setup and the reason for why I used policy-based forwarding to solve my problem and I will show step-by-step how to do all of this with a Palo Alto Networks firewall.

The Background

For the setup, Palo Alto Networks firewalls are being used. There are two sites the Head Office and the Data Center. There is an IPSEC VPN tunnel between both sites. The Data Center firewall also has various vendor IPSEC VPN tunnels.

The Head Office firewall has its own internet connection as does the Data Center firewall. The Head Office firewall is configured with static routes to only send traffic for the Data Center down the Data Center IPSEC tunnel. All other traffic goes out the Head Office WAN.

Configuring it this way allows for a very simple and basic SD-WAN type configuration, only essential traffic is sent down the Data Center IPSEC VPN tunnel freeing up the IPSEC tunnel from normal internet traffic that does not need to be routed to the Data Center.

The Problem

There are two vendors we’ll call them Vendor1 and Vendor2. Both of them have an Oracle database that users at the Head Office site need to connect to.

Vendor1 has an IPSEC VPN tunnel from the Data Center firewall to the firewall at Vendor1. The Oracle database on their end is on a private IP. All traffic from the Data Center to Vendor1 is NATed behind a specific IP. Vendor1 only allows connections that are from that NATed IP over the IPSEC VPN tunnel.

Vendor2 won’t set up an IPSEC VPN tunnel. The Oracle database for Vendor2 is an FQDN we’ll say that the FQDN is the resolving IP of that FQDN can and will change without notice. The only way users can connect to the Oracle database at Vendor2 is for Vendor2 to add the WAN IP to an allowed list on their side. This process is slow and doesn’t scale well. To help with this we can have Vendor2 add a specific WAN IP to their allow list that we can NAT our traffic to them behind.

Now this works for the most part when you tunnel all traffic from the Head Office to the Data Center firewall. The problem with this solution is that it can be very costly as you may need an E-Line/MPLS/VPLS connection back to the Data Center and depending on the location they can be very expensive. If the Head Office moves to a new physical location coordinating an E-Line/MPLS/VPLS move is not always the quickest option. Ideally, we want a solution that allows for flexibility.

Yes, you could IPSEC tunnel all the Head Office traffic back to the Data Center but why? Why would you want Microsoft 365 traffic and other normal internet traffic going down your Data Center IPSEC tunnel? This just adds unnecessary overhead and can cause slowness, especially today as so many applications are web-based.

The overarching problem in all of this is how to scale it without needing to reach out to the vendors to add a new IP to the allow list or to build a new IPSEC VPN tunnel.

The Solutions

The solution for Vendor1 is simple because it’s a private IP. We can just add a static route on the Head Office firewall telling it to go down the Data Center IPSEC VPN tunnel and out the Vendor1 IPSEC tunnel from the Data Center.

ONIE Partition Exists Fix

I recently ran into an issue where I had uninstalled Onyx on my switch and I was trying to reinstall it but couldn’t because I was getting an error. Below is an example of the error.

partition exists - please uninstall first
EXT4-fs (sda3): couldn't mount as ext3 due to feature incompatibilities
cp: write error: No space left on device

There is also another variation of this error that I ran into. Below is an example of that error too.

umount: can't unmount /mnt/onie-boot: Invalid argument
/mnt/onie-boot not mounted
Error: You requested a partition from 1000MiB to 2000MiB (sectors 2048000..4095999).
The closest location we can manage is 1000MiB to 1000MiB (sectors 2047999..2047999).

The issue seems to be that somewhere along the lines the NOS uninstall process left behind a partition or two. To fix this we need to delete them. In this post, I’ll show you step-by-step how to delete the leftover partitions with ONIE.

The Fix

This fix works for the Nvidia/Mellanox switches and will likely work on other ONIE switches however, I’ve only tested this on Nvidia/Mellanox switches.

  • Connect to ONIE. I’ll be using a console connection and PuTTY.
  • Enter GNU Parted for the disk by running the command parted /dev/sda

In my case the disk was sda it’s likely the same in most setups.

Upgrade Palo Alto HA Pair (Active/Passive) with CLI

I’m a big fan of CLI, I love to use it when I can, it always feels more complete and absolute. A while back I posted how to Upgrade Palo Alto Firewall HA Pair (Active/Passive) in that post I only covered the GUI method this post will detail how to complete everything with CLI only.

Here is step-by-step how to upgrade a Palo Alto Networks firewall in an Active/Passive High Availability Pair with CLI only.

In my example, I am running a Palo Alto Active/Passive HA pair. The firewall named DXT-FW-PA01 is the primary firewall and is the currently Active firewall. The firewall named DXT-FW-PA02 is the secondary and Passive firewall. Both are running PAN-OS 10.2 version 10.2.3. I will be upgrading them to PAN-OS 11.0 version 11.0.2-h2 which is the current preferred release for that version.

The Process

Confirm Upgrade Path

  • You always need to do every PAN-OS update as in you can’t jump from 9.1 to 11.0 you need to do 10.0 then 10.1 then 10.2 then 11.0
  • Check your upgrade path with Palo Alto’s documentation. Here is the upgrade path to PAN-OS 11.0.
  • Check what the preferred releases are for your upgrade path. You can do that here. (You will need a Palo Alto support account to access the link)

Review Release Notes

Review Upgrade/Downgrade Considerations

Upgrade Checklist

Check Content Updates

  • Connect to the currently Active firewall with SSH.
  • Run the following command to list out the PAN-OS version you are running along with the hostname and application and threat content versions.  show system info | match sw\|hostname\|app\|threat

TrueNAS Install Tweaks

I’m a long-time user of TrueNAS going back to the days when it was still called FreeNAS. I’ll always love the FreeNAS logo. In this post, I’ll go over step-by-step some of the tweaks that I like to make on a fresh install for TrueNAS specifically TrueNAS Core or TrueNAS Enterprise.

The Tweaks

HTTPS Redirection

HTTPS is always a good idea. Here is how to enable HTTP to HTTPS redirection.

  • Click on System > General
  • Select Web Interface HTTP -> HTTPS Redirect and click Save.
  • Confirm that you are restarting the web service by selecting Confirm and click on Continue.

Now if you try to access your TrueNAS on HTTP it will automatically send you over to HTTPS.


Autotune is a Python script that is created by iXsystems that will automatically optimize your TrueNAS. If you want to see what the script is doing here is the location of it /usr/local/bin/autotune this is on by default on systems purchased from iXsystems.

  • Click on System > Advanced

Palo Alto Config Set Commands

By default Palo Alto Networks firewalls export their configuration as an XML file which is great however, I’m more used to set commands such as the ones commonly used in switches. Fortunately, there’s a way to have the best of both worlds.

In this post, I’ll show you step-by-step how to output the Palo Alto running config to set commands and show a way to export it.

The Process

  • Connect to the firewall with SSH (I’ll be using PuTTY)
  • Run the following command to change the command output from XML to set commands set cli config-output-format set
  • Enter the configuration mode by running the following command configure
  • Now when you run the show command it will show you the set command versions of the configuration.


I wasn’t able to find a way to easily export the running config of PAN-OS in the set format without using paid tools like Kiwi CatTools however, I did find a workaround by using PuTYY logging.

Microsoft 365 Report Message Button

Providing your users with a centralized and user-friendly way to report phishing, junk, and non-junk emails is a great quality-of-life improvement for everyone.

In this post, I’ll cover step-by-step how to deploy the Microsoft Report Message add-in for Microsoft Outlook with Microsoft 365.

  • Login to the Microsoft 365 admin center.
  • Click on Settings > Integrated apps
  • Click on Get apps
  • Search for Report Message

ESXi Autostart VMs with CLI

Maintenance mode is great however, when you have a single ESXi host and you have perfected the perfect VM startup order and you have to place your host into maintenance mode how do you start your VMs in the same order without having to manually do it?

ESXi VMs not starting due to maintenance mode

In this post, I will detail step-by-step how to start the VM auto-start sequence after you’ve exited maintenance mode.

  • Enable SSH by right-clicking on the host and selecting Services > Enable Secure Shell (SSH)
  • SSH into the ESXi host (I’m going to use PuTTY)
  • Run the following command to autostart your VMs vim-cmd hostsvc/autostartmanager/autostart

Now your VMs will start booting up in the autostart order you created.

You can even tell your VMs to shutdown in the reverse order by just running the auto shutdown command vim-cmd hostsvc/autostartmanager/autostop

I tried to find official documentation from VMware about this process but I wasn’t able to find any.

UniFi Network Server with Docker makes some great Docker images. I’ve been using their UniFi Controller image for a very long time. Sadly it is being deprecated in January 2024. Fortunately, they have a new replacement image named UniFi Network Application. There’s a bit more to the setup as the database portion has been decoupled from the image.

In this post, I’ll show you step-by-step how to set up the UniFi Network Application with Docker.

The UniFi Network Application uses MongoDB for its database we will need to set that up. MongoDB is composed of two elements, the main database and a stats database.

When you first make a MongoDB container it needs to be initialized there are a few methods to do this. I’ll be using the shell script method as I was able to make that word with all the environment variables I wanted to use.


  • Make a folder to store everything in. I’ll call mine unifi-net-app.
  • Download the docker-compose.yml, the, and the sample.env files from my GitHub and place them in the folder.
  • The sample.env file shows you the variables you will need to define.
  • The variables are:
    • CONTAINER_NAME is the name of your UniFi stack. There will be two containers spawned.
      • The one with _CORE appended to it is the UniFi Network Application image.
      • The one with _DB appended to it is the official MongoDB image. It is currently pinned to version 4.4 as that’s the highest version UniFi supports.
    • MONGO_DBNAME is the name of the MongoDB database that stores all the data. The second database for stats will have _stat appended to it.
    • MONGO_USER is the database user for the UniFi database and the stats database.
    • MONGO_PASS is the password for the database user for the UniFi database and the stats database.
    • TIME_ZONE this sets the time zone for the UniFi Network Application. Here’s a list of the valid TZ identifier entries.

geoSCOUT 9.0 Launcher Upgrade

With the release of geoSCOUT version 9.0 geoLOGIC has upgraded the geoSCOUT launcher. As part of the upgrade process to version 9.0, you should be upgrading the geoSCOUT launcher as geoSCOUT users will get a warning message stating that they need the new launcher. They can still use geoSCOUT even if the launcher isn’t upgraded but they will keep seeing the warning message every time they open geoSCOUT.

Warning message about the old geoSCOUT launcher

The geoSCOUT launcher upgrade can be a challenging task in a large environment when users don’t have local admin. In this post, I’ll detail what I’ve discovered about how the geoSCOUT launcher works and include a PowerShell script to upgrade the launcher.


The geoSCOUT launcher seems to work by looking for a user’s GMAP.ini file saved in the user’s %AppData%, if that file isn’t present then the launcher will throw an error.

When you install geoSCOUT using the Desktop_Build_NonAdmin installer or the Desktop_Build installer both of them use the context of the path that executed the install to populate the user’s GMAP.ini file saved in %AppData%.

My theory on how part of the geoSCOUT launcher works is that it uses the user’s GMAP.ini file to find the geoSCOUT server and for version 8 it loads gsmainV8.exe from the Programs directory in the geoSCOUT network location.

The geoSCOUT version 9.0 launcher seems to work the same way as the version 8 launcher did except that instead of launching gsmainV8.exe it launches gsmap.exe. Technically speaking you could run geoSCOUT by just launching gsmap.exe but that isn’t the recommended way.

After the geoSCOUT upgrade to version 9.0 if a user is using a shortcut to gsmainV8.exe they will get the warning that their launcher is out of date and needs to be upgraded even if their geoSCOUT launcher has been upgraded on their system.

The way the geoSCOUT launcher works is important because it shows us that unlike the normal geoSCOUT user install the path you use to install the launcher doesn’t matter.

Microsoft Configuration Manager Backup

Backups are a good thing to have. Within Microsoft Configuration Manager you can set up a backup maintenance task, but what if you need to run a backup on demand how do you do that?

Microsoft Configuration Manager (ConfigMgr) has had a few names the longest-standing name was SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) it also used to go by the name SMS (Systems Management Server) you will still find references to SMS even on the current version of ConfigMgr. For simplicity, I’m going to refer to it as ConfigMgr.

In this post, I will detail step-by-step how to configure backups for ConfigMgr and how to run an on-demand backup of ConfigMgr.

Configuring Backup Task

  • Open Configuration Manager Console
  • Click on Administration
  • Click on Site Configuration > Sites