Tag: Microsoft

Cloudflare Access IdP with Entra ID

Cloudflare Access is a wonderful tool that can add MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) to applications that don’t support it. I’ve previously covered Setting Up Cloudflare Access using email OTP (One-time PIN). What I didn’t cover in that post was how to set up Cloudflare Access with an IdP (Identity Provider). In this post, I will show…

Intune Deploy Windows 10 Default Start Menu

I recently discovered that I caused an unintended side effect on Windows 10 when deploying a default taskbar for all users. In my post Intune Deploy Default Taskbar I inadvertently introduced a bug to the Windows 10 Start Menu making it so users can’t customize anything. The bug is that users can pin programs to…

New Teams Desktop Shortcut

Microsoft has stopped deploying the original version of Microsoft Teams (now called Microsoft Teams Classic) with new Microsoft 365 apps installs. I’ve been using New Microsoft Teams for quite a while now and I honestly can’t tell the difference between the two anymore. An issue I do have with New Teams is that it doesn’t…

New Teams Mass Install Script

New Teams is a UWP (Universal Windows Platform) app and that presents its own challenges when it comes to system-wide mass installs. If you download the MSIX directly and install it, it actually tricks you into thinking it’s installed for all users but in reality, it is only installed for the user that downloaded and…