Tag: Windows

Intune Deploy Windows 11 Default Start Menu

With Windows 11, many visual elements have changed, and one of the most noticeable ones is the Start Menu. With a new star menu comes a new way to manage it. With Windows 10, you can control the start menu with an XML file. Now, with Windows 11, you can control it with a JSON…

Intune Deploy Company Portal for Windows

The Company Portal application is a wonderful tool for Microsoft Intune. If you come from the world of ConfigMgr (Microsoft Configuration Manager aka SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager)), it is the Intune version of Software Center. Company Portal allows users to install programs you publish on the Company Portal. My favorite part is that the…

Windows Update Settings Stuck

Usually, when you want to control the Windows Update settings, you create a GPO to manage the settings or tweak some registry entries. Both methods alter the registry values in the registry key To reset any custom Windows Update settings, I nuke out that registry key or reverse the GPO or both, and restart the…

Install VMware vCenter Certificate in Windows

The VMware vCenter root certificate is an essential part of vCenter. When you install vCenter, it also installs the VMCA (VMware Certificate Authority) in your vCenter. The VMCA is a barebones CA for vCenter that issues certificates to the various elements of vCenter as needed. You should install the VMCA root certificate on your system…