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Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Eggs

Peanut Butter Cup

I woke up the other day and was feeling inspired I wanted to try something. I pulled out my phone and loaded up Pinterest. I decided to try and make this pin ( but I wanted to add a twist. The twist I added was that I was going to try to make them using some silicone muffin wrappers and see if I could duplicate Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. I made some changes here and there but I stuck to the original recipe from the pin linked above. Here is my version on how to make them.

Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Well today is almost over and Christmas this year has been pretty much the same as every other year. Wake up early open stockings and book bags then open up the remainder of Christmas presents. As time goes on we all get older and traditions evolve.

beaded geckos and the mind

The mind is the most amazing part of the human body as far as I am concerned. It amazes me that you can recall something just based on the sound or smell of something. In early elementary school I used to make beaded geckos and other beaded animals. I completed school approximately 4 to 5 years ago now and I never made a beaded animal since elementary school. I was spending some time with a friend of mine and we wanted to do something fun and something we haven’t done before.

Glowing Mountain Dew

Glow in the dark Mountain Dew

Recently my friend and I decided to try making glow in the dark Mountain Dew based on a picture that has been circulating the Internet. I believe the picture originated from a YouTube video. Based on seeing the picture I needed to try this out right away. My friend and I headed off to the local supermarket to get the supplies we needed. This shopping trip consisted of us buying a six pack of bottled Mountain Dew, one box of Baking Soda, and 1 bottle of peroxide among other random things we bought that have nothing to do with this experiment.

Time Travel

Well daylight savings time has just ended here, many of you are likely sleeping and enjoying an extra hour of sleep. If you are sleeping  you’re missing out on being able to time travel back an hour. I just got to experience time travel. Why should you care? Well because time just went back an hour means you can redo things that you did an hour ago and improve upon them, liquor stores and/or bars are open an extra hour (depending on management).

If you missed time traveling this year don’t worry, next year when you will be able to time travel forward one hour and later on in the year you will be able to time travel back one hour.

Happy Time Traveling!