Category: Fixes

Windows Update Settings Stuck

Usually, when you want to control the Windows Update settings, you create a GPO to manage the settings or tweak some registry entries. Both methods alter the registry values in the registry key To reset any custom Windows Update settings, I nuke out that registry key or reverse the GPO or both, and restart the…

ONIE Partition Exists Fix

I recently ran into an issue where I had uninstalled Onyx on my switch and I was trying to reinstall it but couldn’t because I was getting an error. Below is an example of the error. partition exists – please uninstall firstEXT4-fs (sda3): couldn’t mount as ext3 due to feature incompatibilitiescp: write error: No space…

Palo Alto Predefined IP Commit Error Fix

In this post I will detail how to resolve the Palo Alto commit error when trying to commit a predefined IP list. Below is an example of the error Validation Error:external-list -> Palo Alto Networks Tor exit IP Addresses -> type -> predefined-ip -> url ‘panw-torexit-ip-list’ is not a valid referenceexternal-list -> Palo Alto Networks…

Cisco Aironet Won’t Connect to Wireless LAN Controller

I ran into an issue where some older Cisco Aironet APs (Access Points) stopped connecting to a Cisco WLC (Wireless LAN Controller). No config changes had been made and some of the Cisco Aironet APs would connect and some wouldn’t. All of them were the same model, the Cisco Aironet APs were able to ping…

Update Teams Machine Wide Installer

Recently I’ve ran into an issue with Microsoft Teams where the user sees a blocking message that says “Teams needs an update”. The user needs to action it before they can use Microsoft Teams again. Typically the user can just click on Update Teams which will take them to a download page for Microsoft Teams,…

geoSCOUT published remote access

I needed to get geoSCOUT working in Omnissa Horizon (formerly VMware Horizon) but geoLOGIC doesn’t officially support publishing geoSCOUT to systems like Citrix, RD Web, and Horizon. Due to the way that geoSCOUT works you can’t just launch the geoSCOUT exe and have it work. On the first launch a user would normally run the…