Tag: PowerShell

Microsoft 365 Audit Logging

For whatever reason the default fresh setup of Microsoft 365 has no audit logging turned on. Audit logging is very useful for IT troubleshooting and auditors love logs. Microsoft says that it is enabled by default for Microsoft 365 and Office 365 enterprise organizations. I suspect that means only if you have E1 or higher.…

Microsoft 365 Enable Organization Customization

Right out of the box the initial configuration of Microsoft 365 (aka Office 365) isn’t bad, but there’s a lot more you can do to harden it and to make it fully yours. By default all Microsoft 365 tenants are in a state that is called dehydrated. Microsoft places all the tenants in this state…

Upgrading Duo Authentication for Windows Logon

Duo Authentication for Windows Logon and RDP is great tool that I like to use to add MFA to Windows systems specifically servers, as it could help prevent lateral movement in the network. When you only have a few systems running Duo Authentication for Windows Logon and RDP upgrading it is short and painless. When…

Update Teams Machine Wide Installer

Recently I’ve ran into an issue with Microsoft Teams where the user sees a blocking message that says “Teams needs an update”. The user needs to action it before they can use Microsoft Teams again. Typically the user can just click on Update Teams which will take them to a download page for Microsoft Teams,…

geoSCOUT published remote access

I needed to get geoSCOUT working in Omnissa Horizon (formerly VMware Horizon) but geoLOGIC doesn’t officially support publishing geoSCOUT to systems like Citrix, RD Web, and Horizon. Due to the way that geoSCOUT works you can’t just launch the geoSCOUT exe and have it work. On the first launch a user would normally run the…