Category: My Writing

Time Warp

Time Warp is a TV show on Discovery Channel. The show takes things and puts them in slow motion, creating this interesting thing I like to call slow-motion-art. I think this show is worth watching it’s very interesting to see things in slow motion. You should check this show out.

The Invisible

The Invisible is a movie from 2007. It’s about this group of people that pick on Nick Powell they wind up almost killing him. The group hides the body so no one know what they did. Now Nick is left invisible to everyone and slowly dying unless he can get help. That’s all I’m going…

Gran Torino

Gran Torino The film directed and staring Clint Eastwood is a film that I recently watched. I enjoyed this a lot. It’s a movie about an old “patriot” American that finds everything that isn’t fully American to be distasteful. During the movie he eventually learns otherwise. That’s about all I can say about the plot…