Tag: How To

Install Omnissa Horizon Connection Server Certificate

Installing an SSL/TLS certificate on the Omnissa Horizon Connection Server (formerly the VMware Horizon Connection Server) is a common task. The whole process may feel daunting if you’ve never installed a certificate on the Horizon Connection Server. Omnissa Horizon has had a few names, and some of those old names are still present at its…

Install VMware vCenter Certificate in Windows

The VMware vCenter root certificate is an essential part of vCenter. When you install vCenter, it also installs the VMCA (VMware Certificate Authority) in your vCenter. The VMCA is a barebones CA for vCenter that issues certificates to the various elements of vCenter as needed. You should install the VMCA root certificate on your system…

Omnissa Unified Access Gateway Certificate Install

Installing your own certificate is one of the first things you’ll need to do when setting up the Omnissa Unified Access Gateway appliance (formerly the VMware Unified Access Gateway appliance). In this post, I will detail step-by-step how to install a certificate on the VMware UAG. Prerequisites The Process

Omnissa Horizon Desktop Pool without vCenter

You usually want to connect Omnissa Horizon (formerly VMware Horizon) directly to VMware vCenter, but it can make sense to leave them disconnected from each other in some situations. In this post, I’ll show you step-by-step how to install the VMware Horizon Agent without using the VMware vCenter integration. You can do this on persistent…