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Lamb of God – Wrath

Lamb of God - WrathLamb of God is releasing a new cd entitled Wrath, this cd comes out February 24, 2009. I recently was able to listen to this cd. I enjoyed it alot. The first track is a short intro track but after that the entire cd is amazing. I would describe this cd as if Lamb of God took the song Walk With Me in Hell and made it into a cd. I realy enjoyed this album. I think if you liked the cd Sacrament from 2006 you would realy like this cd. Check this cd out when it comes out.

1. The Passing
2. In Your Words
3. Set To Fail
4. Contractor
5. Fake Messiah
6. Grace
7. Broken Hands
8. Dead Seeds
9. Everything To Nothing
10. Choke Sermon
11. Reclamation

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009) Movie PosterI recently saw the movie Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. I expected it to not be as good as the last 2 underworlds because this one is a prequel. Besides the fact that this one is prequel the first half of this movie, I found to be quite boring it was a task to sit through the first half it was interesting but it failed to entertain me. The 2nd half of this movie was much better. The 2nd half is when the Lycans started to revolt against the vampires. The ending of this movie lined up perfectly with the first Underworld movie.

The Invisible

The Invisible (2007) Movie PosterThe Invisible is a movie from 2007. It’s about this group of people that pick on Nick Powell they wind up almost killing him. The group hides the body so no one know what they did. Now Nick is left invisible to everyone and slowly dying unless he can get help. That’s all I’m going to say about the plot. This movie is amazing, I loved this movie. You should go and see this movie.

Gran Torino

Gran Torino (2008) Movie Poster

Gran Torino The film directed and staring Clint Eastwood is a film that I recently watched. I enjoyed this a lot. It’s a movie about an old “patriot” American that finds everything that isn’t fully American to be distasteful. During the movie he eventually learns otherwise. That’s about all I can say about the plot without giving the whole movie away. This movie is a great movie I think everyone should go see it.

My Bloody Valentine 3D

My Bloody Valentine (2009) Movie PosterI recently went to see the 3D horror movie My Bloody Valentine 3D. In short I will say I was not pleased with the story line, but I didn’t go see the movie for the story line. I went to see it for the 3D as it is one of the newer 3D movies that are in the horror movie genre. The 3D in this movie was outstanding I really like it. But some parts of the movie were cheesy. For example when one of the characters was holding a gun looking for something they made the gun pass through the screen I felt like they were only trying to show off the 3D. Parts like that the movie could have done without. But all in all it was a okay movie, hopefully this movie will help revolutionize the horror movie genre and then we can look forward to more 3D horror movies.

Life Passes Him By

He sits at home clueless of what to do. He tries to keep the few friends he makes, but eventually they all end up drifting apart from him and he is left alone to rot in the dust of all things past. He tries to do things to make life more interesting more entertaining. Most of his attempts end up only lasting a short while while the rest just fail. He has a dead end job of entering data at some large company; his coworkers don’t even know that he exists. If would just curl up and pass away no one at his work would even notice. He has no hope for the future. Everything he tries to do is in someway already completed before he even gets a chance to start. He wishes for a better life.

That night on his way back from work he stops at the local liquor store and purchases a 40 of vodka. He walks out of the liquor store and back to his car. He gets in drives to an empty parking lot and cracks the vodka open. The cracking of the plastic lid from its seal make a soft but audible cracking sound almost as if it was his life falling to pieces. He brings the bottle to his lips closes his eyes and beings to drink it.

The vodka pours down his throat and into his stomach leaving him with a some what soothing warmth inside of him. He polishes of most of the vodka; he now starts his car begins to attempt to drive home intoxicated. He doesn’t care if his life ended right now no one would notice, no one would care. He drives out of the parking lot. He can’t even keep his car in a strait line let alone see.

As he is making the final turn before the block that he lives on. A bus come out of the shadows and collides with the drivers side of the car. Just before the impact he turned his head and saw the bus smash into his car as if he was watching it in slow motion.

His eyes slowly flutter open. He is blinded by a bright white light. As his eyes adjust to the light he sees that some how he has survived and that he is in a hospital, if not a hospital some place that looks exactly like one.

Sleepless Nights

She lays in bed sleepless at night. She tries to sleep but it always seems to fail. Sleeping pills don’t work for her anymore. Tonight is one of the worst nights so far. She lays there on her queen sized bed and tosses and turns in hopes of a chance to fall asleep. It’s no use; no mater what she does she just can’t sleep. Her head is throbbing as if there was a stock market exchange going on in her head. She yells out “Shut the hell up” all she hears is voices; she is alone in her room she doesn’t question if she is going insane she already thinks that she’s crazy. So the voices come as no surprise to her. She tries bashing her head against the wall to silence the voices but it’s no use they just keep getting louder. Another sleepless night passes and now she has to go to work.

When she gets home from work she tries to sleep; but it’s no use the voices came back. With no foreseeable solution she reaches in her closet for a shoe box that is on the top shelf. She can just barely reach it. Once she gets it down she opens it. Inside is the gun her ex boyfriend made her buy for safety reasons. She says “well I guess this is my last resort.” She places the gun in her mouth. The gun is cold as ice when it touches her lips she shivers. She places her finger on the trigger and closes her eyes. Even though her eyes are closed she can still picture what it she looking like in a mirror. Just then the voices stop. She drops the gun and lets out a sigh of relief.

How Facebook came to be

This is my theory on why facebook was created.

Well the creator of facebook was randomly taking the bus home one day and he saw this outstanding girl on the bus. He wanted to make a move on her but his nervousness got the better of him. For several weeks he pondered over the thought of ever seeing her again. He rode that bus for an entire day in an attempt to find her. Everything he tried ending negatively for him. He was just about to give up all hope. When the idea of creating a website a lot like Nexopia and MySpace but instead of usernames everyone will use their real name. He spent countless night of insomnia working on the coding of this great master plan of his. He finally finished the reaming coding for it, he then put this freshly made site that he decided to call facebook. He named it facebook because of the though of it being like an address book. He should be able to find that girl once again if everything goes as planed. The first few weeks of the site being online it got very little visitors. He saw that his plan was failing once again, rather than giving up hope this time he hired an advertiser to advertise the site. After a month of the site being online, all the advertisement was ready to go. He launched the adds. Within one day the amount of people using the site tripled, with each passing day it increased significantly. To this day he is still waiting and creeping everyones facebook page in search for that one girl.