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Calgary Stampede 2017

Welcome back to the Mouthy & Keerious Podcast, this time we are talking about THE GREATEST OUTDOOR SHOW ON EARTH! Or is it?! It is. IS IT?!

Today we are discussing all things Calgary Stampede 2017!

Daniel has mixed reviews; Jill starts out strong but wavers on her opinions towards the end! We share experiences had on the grounds in the past at Stampede, some problematic themes (Cowboys & Indiana, “Its Not Cheating – Its Stampeding!”), how expensive it can be, but we also talk about food and some of the free ways to enjoy the event – HELLO PANCAKE BREAKFAST!!

Have you ever been to the Calgary Stampede? Would you wanna go? Did we sell you on it?!


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The ‘Everything’ Podcast

Welcome back to another episode of the Mouthy & Keerious Podcast! This week we are playing a bit of catch up! #PodMom is back from ANOTHER vacation, #DadPod has been living the Cat Life for a while and has updates, and we briefly discuss Avatar: Legend of- I mean… THE LAST AIRBENDER! AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!

#PodMom talks about her trip to the Canadian Shield in Manitoba! She stayed with her family at Pine Islands Lodge on the Winnipeg River and caught SEVEN SPECIES OF FISH!

#DadPod has noticed many nuances about his cat, 500, and elaborates on what life is like now!

The first topic – Did I throw you off? – is Avatar: The Last Airbender anime series! And how much better Legend of Korra is! Just kidding! Kinda.

Would you be interested in an unplugged fishing vacation? How did it go when your pet first moved in? Have you seen The Last Airbender or Legend of Korra??

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Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Welcome back to the Mouthy and Keerious Podcast! Yep, another Studio Ghibli episode! Expect more… #PodMom is kind of obsessed, and luckily #DadPod seems to enjoy them as well!

In #PodMom’s opinion, Nausicaa is the epitome of Strong Female Role Models – even for a Ghibli movie. Or I guess a Miyazaki movie since it was released before the Studio’s creation in the 80s!

Have you seen Nausicaä? What did you think? Tweet us @MouthyandKeer and let us know your thoughts! What Ghibli movie do you want us to talk about next?!

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Welcome back to the Mouthy and Keerious Podcast!

You read that right, this week we are talking all about Moana! One of #PodMom’s favourite new Disney movies but #DadPod still thinks Frozen is better… stay tuned for our thoughts and opinions, some backstory on it, and a few tangents completely unrelated. Things get a bit heated at times, but fear not – that’s why we started this podcast – FOR DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES!

**DISCLAIMER** We sincerely did not intend to offend anyone and we apologize in advance if we were ignorant at any moment in our discussion.

What did you think of Moana? Did you like it better than Frozen? Get us on Twitter or Facebook and let us know your thoughts!

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THE MOMENT YOU’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR: Meet the infamous Kelela! She’s joining us today to talk all about CATS! Because… Why the hell not?!

But we actually have a reason, #DadPod has joined the ranks of FUR-THERHOOD… okay, that was bad. He adopted a fur baby, is what I’m getting at – more specifically, he got a Cat! Kelela and #PodMom may have used #KeerPressure and #CoPURRsion… We’re talking Origin Stories, we’re talking adoption processes, we’re literally cooing over cats at some points, and most importantly – we tell you how/where you can adopt your own kitty in the Calgary area!!

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