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Human Centipede 1, 2, & 3: Gross Examination

That’s a medical joke because Jill’s a nerd.

Jill has seen them all, Dan has never seen them, Jill felt like ruining Dan’s day and decided to walk him through exactly what happens in each of the Human Centipede movies. It’s a treat, let me tell you! An ass to mouth treat. No? I’ll see myself out.

Poor #PodBaby, making you gross just 3 episodes in.

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Episode 2: CCEE 2017: The Good, The Bad, The Hilarious

We recently attended the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo 2017! This was the 12th year of the expo and we babbled for nearly an hour about the show. Daniel didn’t want to come but Jill pretty much said he had to and it turned out to be a wonderful time! We share some good moments, some less than good moments, but most importantly – the ridiculous moments. JOIN US, WON’T YOU?!

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Episode 1: In the Beginning…

Well hello there! Welcome to the Mouthy and Keerious Podcast! She’s Mouthy – or Jill Mauthe (it’s just a mispronunciation of my last name) – or #PodMom! He’s Keerious – or Daniel Keer (I’m just super interested in how stuff works) – or #DadPod. No, we are not together. Yes, we know how that sounds, but this podcast is our little #PodBaby so we’re sticking with it for now. Listen to the episode for some more inside information about us and where we’re coming from!

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