ONIE and Onyx (MLNX-OS) Install

ONIE and Onyx (MLNX-OS) Install

Switches that support ONIE (Open Network Install Environment) are amazing switches because you can just change which NOS (Network Operating System) you are running relatively easily.

ONIE was created by Cumulus Networks in 2012. In 2020 Nvidia bought Cumulus just after purchasing Mellanox the year before.

I will detail step-by-step how to install ONIE and how to install the Onyx (MLNX-OS) NOS on the SN2410 switch. The process for other NOS and other switches should be similar.


I need the one for Mellanox/Nvidia that file will have a name similar to this onie-recovery-x86_64-mlnx_x86-r0.iso

I’ll be installing Onyx, the Onyx install file will have a name similar to this one X86_64-3.9.3202-installer.bin if you google around you should be able to find it.

Installing ONIE

The default settings should be fine. This is what I used.

Rufus Settings

If Rufus detects ISOHybrid then select Write in ISO Image mode.

Rufus ISOHybrid detected
MLNX BIOS password

If there is nothing installed on SSD in the switch it will boot off USB even if you don’t have the BIOS password.

Selecting the non UEFI option to boot off the USB drive.
Selecting ONIE: Embed ONIE

Installing NOS

In my case I will be installing Onyx however these steps should be similar for other NOS.

Selecting ONIE: Install OS

ONIE has a discovery mode that will keep looking for the install file, we need to tell it to stop doing that.

Stopping ONIE discovery

Now we need to copy the NOS install file to the switch. ONIE support a few methods to do that such as HTTP, FTP, TFTP, and SCP.

I tried with TFTP but I found it to be very slow, I ended up using a quick HTTP server called HFS.

For me that command will look like this wget -P /tmp/

Copying the Onyx install file to the switch

Now we need to install the NOS.

For me that command will look like onie-nos-install /tmp/X86_64-3.9.3202-installer.bin

Installing Onyx on the switch

That is all it takes to install ONIE and NOS onto a switch.

If you want to read more about ONIE you can do so on their website here https://opencomputeproject.github.io/onie/

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