Distinguished Name

Distinguished Name

Everything in AD (Active Directory) has a Distinguished Name. A Distinguished Name can be used in many situations such as setting up an application to use a service account or adding AD groups or users into applications and so much more.

A Distinguished Name is also known as a DN. A benefit of an using a DN is that no two objects in Active Directory can ever have the same DN.

In this post I’ll show step-by-step how to get the Distinguished Name for the various items in Active Directory via the GUI and PowerShell.


The process is the exact same for any item in AD.

PowerShell Way

The PowerShell method is a bit more specific than just right clicking on something. Here is a breakdown for each item I could think of that you could need the DN for.

OU (Organizational Unit)


For example I want to get the DN of the group named Group 1, the command I will run is Get-ADGroup -Identity "Group 1" | FL Name, DistinguishedName

Service Accounts

For example I want to get the DN for the service account named Service1, the command I will run is Get-ADServiceAccount -Identity Service1 | FL Name, DistinguishedName


For example I want to get the DN for the computer named Computer1, the command I will run is Get-ADComputer -Identity Computer1 | FL Name, DistinguishedName


For example I want to get the DN of the user named User1, the command I will run is Get-ADUser -Identity User1 | FL Name, DistinguishedName

Those are all the various methods to get a distinguished name from Active Directory.

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