Install vCenter

Install vCenter

VMware vCenter is a wonderful application that lets you take full advantage of your ESXi hosts. If you have more than one ESXi host you should look at vCenter. The full name of vCenter is vCenter Server Appliance or VCSA.

In this post, I will show you step-by-step how to install vCenter 8. The process is broken up into two stages. Stage 1 is the deployment on the vCenter VM and Stage 2 is the final settings to the vCenter VM.

The Process

Stage 1

The next screen is the intro screen which lets you know that the process will be in two stages. The first stage is deploying the VM and the second stage is the final settings for the vCenter VM.

When you upgrade to a new major version of vCenter (for example going from vCenter 7 to vCenter 8) there will always be a new VM for vCenter. Due to this, I like to put the version number in the VM name.

The root password is used on the vCenter Server Management interface (it used to be called the vCenter Server Appliance Management interface (VAMI) ). This password can be very important in the future. Having this password has helped me fix many things with vCenter.

I like my vCenter to be a bit faster than tiny and I like to make a lot of VMs so I will select small.

The vCenter installer will now deploy the vCenter VM to the ESXi host. This part will take a while.

Once Stage 1 is completed successfully we can continue to Stage 2.

Stage 2

The next screen is the intro screen for Stage 2 it lets you know that stage one is completed and it is time for stage two the final VM settings.

Wait for Stage 2 to complete.

Once Stage 2 is completed we will finally be able to login to vCenter for the first time.

That’s it vCenter is now installed.

If you want to read more about installing VMware vCenter here is VMware’s documentation on it.

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