Generate CSR with MMC

Generate CSR with MMC

There are many ways to generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) one of them is with IIS. What if you don’t have IIS or you want to be stubborn and not use IIS at all? In this post I will detail step-by-step how to generate a CSR using MMC (Microsoft Management Console).

Technically you could select the (No template) CNG key however I’ve found that (No template) Legacy key has been much more compatible.

Those are usually the bare minimum requirements for most SSL vendors, some CAs (Certificate Authorities) may need more if they do they should list what other information they need.

You have now generated your CSR. You can provide the CSR to your SSL vendor or CA.

When you get the certificate from your SSL vendor or CA you must complete it on the same computer you generated the CSR on. My post Complete a CSR details all the steps needed to complete the CSR.

After that you can export the certificate and use it on any other systems. My post Exporting a Certificate with MMC details all the steps needed to export the completed certificate to a PFX file and my post Installing a PFX Certificate in Windows details all the steps needed to install the certificate on another Windows system.

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