VMware Copy Paste Enabler

VMware Copy Paste Enabler

Something that has annoyed me with VMware when compared to Hyper-V is the fact that Hyper-V lets you paste into the VM console. By default VMware has that disabled but you can manually enable it. Doing that is kind of slow so I wrote a script with PowerCLI to enable copy paste on a VM.

In order to make everything work you’ll need VMware PowerCLI Installed (here’s how to do that)

The script makes the changes that VMware listed here (https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/57122)

The script also checks if the VM is currently running if it is it turns if off then makes the changes and turns it back on.

If the VM is off the script just makes the changes.

I’ve only tested this with VCSA 7.

Before running the script just edit the variable vm_Name to reflect the name of the VM you want to enable copy paste on. After that it’s just a matter of connecting to VCSA and running the script.

Here’s a link to the script hosted on my GitHub https://github.com/thedxt/VMware#vm-copy-paste-enabler

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